OM - "Töredék"
On Graves - "Grime" EP
On Graves - "Of Decadence" EP
On Graves - "The Grotesque" EP
Phrenesis - "Acheron" EP
Sakal - "Metsző" EP
Satelles - "3AM Confessions"
Satelles - "The Dividing Line / History Prevails"
Septic Pain - "CORE-vid" EP
Septic Pain - "Semmi" EP
Stubborn - "Vortex" EP
Téveszme - "A legszórakoztatóbb nyomor" EP
The Southern Oracle - "Exodus Aesthetic"
The Southern Oracle - "Nocturnal Kingdom" EP
The Southern Oracle - "The Most Corruptible Souls"
The Way We Are - "The Fate of the Antagonist"
Toportyán Férgek - "Őrizkedj az embertől!" EP
Töréspont - "Összhang" EP
VLKN - "First Sparks of Eternal Decay" EP
VLKN - "Ruination"
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