Bál - "Fénytelen"
Boru - "Kyth Wylag Felleyn"
Boru - "Self-Dealer"
Boru/GRRRMBA - split EP
Brygmus - "...for all that is holy!" EP
Brygmus - "Augury" EP
Brygmus - "Vitiate"
Embertears - "Blue Chapter" EP
Embertears - "Red Chapter"
Embertears - "The Flood"
Értéktelen - "Elégtelen" EP
Értéktelen - "Mértéktelen" EP
Gyilkos - "Mortality Echo" EP
Her Highness - "Visions of a Lower Life"
I Bleed Lava - "The Flames Want Us All" EP
Igor - "Igor"
Kingseeker - "Stone Burner" EP
Kingseeker - "Vile Provisions"
Kingseeker / Her Highness - "Bridges to Oblivion" split EP
Kint a Bárány - "Közös" EP
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