Faded Remembrance - "Dying Age"
Faded Remembrance - "The Age of Emptiness"
Hant - "Mire of Memories"
Haze - "Köd borítja, e tájat..."
Her Highness - "Visions of a Lower Life"
Holt - "Métely" demo-EP
I Bleed Lava - "The Flames Want Us All" EP
Kajgūn - "Daogoad"
Kajgūn - "FZ22"
Kajgūn - "H23"
Kajgūn - "Maorey"
Kingseeker - "Stone Burner" EP
Kingseeker / Her Highness - "Bridges to Oblivion" split EP
Lazarvs - "Blackest"
Lazarvs - "Lazarvs"
Magma Rise - "Neither Land nor Sea"
Magma Rise - "To Earth to Ashes to Dust"
Mood - "Glow Burn Live"
Nadir - "The Final Requiem for a Helpless World"
Nevergreen - "Harag és remény"
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